Marine Outfitters
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Shurhold #SHYBP-0801 Yacht-Brite Moldaway 12 oz.

Moldaway is a scientifically formulated, powdered, oxygenated cleaner. It quickly removes stains caused by: mold, mildew, algae, dirt, blood, food & drink. It contains no bleach or chlorine products, so it's safe on all colors as well as most fabrics including: vinyl, canvas, plastic, carpeting, interior and exterior cushions, sails, wood and boating accessories. In a plastic container, mix 1 scoop (2 tbsp.) of powder with one quart of warm water and stir thoroughly. Mix only what is needed for application and use within 10 hours of mixing. Make sure desired surfaces are cool and sponge or brush solution onto surfaces to be cleaned. Let stand approximately 10 minutes, keeping area wet with solution. Rinse area with clean water. For extremely soiled area, let solution soak in longer. DO NOT USE on silk or wool (carpets, fabrics, etc.)

Product Code: 703485120170

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Inventory On Hand 05/13 @ 01:54 AM
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CUSTOM: shurhold-shybp0801-yachtbrite-moldaway-12-oz

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Mold & Mildew Cleaners